About Us


exterior of Chemistry building

Mission and Vision

The Department of Chemistry represents one of the cornerstones of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the College of Arts and Sciences as well as the University as a whole. The Department of Chemistry is well-positioned in its centrality, demand, quality and sustainability to significantly contribute to the University vision of serving as a pre-eminent research university with state, national and global impact. The Department of Chemistry is dedicated to developing globally competitive undergraduate, graduate and professional programs as well as expanding its world-class interdisciplinary research ranging from drug discovery to materials science. 

Strategic Goals - Five Year Objectives

  1. The Ph.D. program will be ranked in the top quartile nationally using externally verifiable measures. This will be achieved by faculty hires that build critical mass in existing areas of strength (medicinal chemistry/drug design, molecular materials, computational chemistry and chemical education).

  2. The Department will continue to play a leadership role in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the College of Arts and Sciences as well as the University broadly in terms of interdisciplinary scholarship and outreach.

  3. The undergraduate program will continue to implement curriculum reform with emphasis on increasing success and opportunity for all students. Quality enhancement will focus upon provision of undergraduate research opportunities for majors, innovation in service courses and enhancement of major programs, including the BMS, Medical Technology and INS degrees as well as new degree programs that will emerge from the Interdisciplinary Research Clusters with the School of Naturals Sciences and Mathematics.

department of chemistry forms

Department Of Chemistry Governance

Department of Chemistry Tenure and Promotion Guidelines