News and Events






The NCA Mid-Career Scholars' Writing Retreat (MCSWR) is designed to provide the opportunity for intensive writing time. Retreat participants will have uninterrupted time to work towards the completion of scholarship and/or a creative project. The goal of the retreat is to support significant progress on the completion of an in-progress project that will help toward promotion to Full Professor. The MCSWR is specifically targeted to faculty who have been Associate Professor for at least 5 years (that is, tenured in 2014-2015 or prior).


You should have received a welcome letter and schedule from our Department Chair, Dr. Patrice M. Buzzanell. If you need an additional copy of either, you can find the letter and schedule here. 


USF officially uses Microsoft Teams for all virtual meetings and communications. All sessions for the MCSWR will be held using MS Teams. The user experience is much more fluid with the program installed on your device; you can download Teams here. 

All session links will be emailed out in advance. If you need meeting links and have not received them via email by Sunday 7/25, please contact Aaron Castillo,


Travis Dixon

Travis L Dixon

Professor Dixon is a media effects scholar who specializes in investigating the prevalence of stereotypes in the mass media and the impact of stereotypical imagery on audience members. He has been honored as a faculty fellow with UIUC's Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society and he was the 2013 Visiting Philanthropy Faculty Scholar at the Clinton School of Public Service. Dr. Dixon has received 7 top paper awards from the National Communication Association and the International Communication Association. He has also received a top article award from the National Communication Association. Dr. Dixon serves on the editorial boards of Communication Research, Howard Journal of Communications, Media Psychology, and the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Much of Dr. Dixon's work has been focused on racial stereotyping in television news. His more recent investigations examine the content and effects of stereotypes and counter-stereotypes in major news events, online news, and musical contexts.


Laura L. Ellingson

Laura Ellingson's research focuses on gender in extended families, feminist and qualitative methodologies, and interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork in health care organizations. She also publishes extensively in the field of qualitative methodology, on topics such as ethnography, embodiment, and envisioning a continuum approach to social science methodologies. Currently, Laura is collaborating with Photographer and Visual Artist Renee Billingslea, SCU Art & Art History Dept., and SCU alumna Kristian Borofka, on a project exploring communication in the lives of long-term cancer survivors, entitled "Voicing Survivorship." A website highlighting the "photovoice" phase of the project shares participants' photos, their thoughts and stories, and information on survivorship. Laura also is the author of Communicating in the Clinic: Negotiating Frontstage and Backstage Teamwork (2005, Hampton) and Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research (2009, Sage), and co-author with Patty Sotirin of Aunting: Cultural Practices that Sustain Family and Community Life (2010, Baylor University Press) and Where the Aunts Are: Family, Feminism, and Kinship in Popular Culture (2013, Baylor University Press).



Patrice M. Buzzanell - USF Faculty Page




Due to the uncertainty and potential travel limitations related to COVID-19, USF's 2020 OCMC was hosted online. Our goal was to preserve the valuable networking opportunities that OCMC offers and make the online conference experience feel like USF and Tampa! 

In case you missed any of our discussion tables, take a look at the videos below. 

Discussion Tables

Click above for a letter to attendees from our Department Chair, Patrice M. Buzzanell.

Click above for the final agenda. 


Dr. Ronald J. Pelias Workshop - October 16th, 2019

Enter toggled content heLeaning in Creatively: Qualitative Research and the Use of Literary

How might the literary enhance written accounts of qualitative research? Tapping into the methodological logics of poetic inquiry, performative writing, autoethnography, and narrative inquiry and their associated literary genres, Dr. Ronald J. Pelias will show how calling upon literary techniques can turn research findings into more cognitively and effectively complex reports. Participants will engage in a series of writing exercises that demonstrate the power of creative writing techniques for research.

Ronald J. Pelias taught performance studies from 1981-2013 in the Department of Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. His most recent books exploring qualitative methods are The Creative Qualitative Researcher: Writing That Makes Readers Want to Read (2019), Writing Performance, Identity, and Everyday Life (2018), If the Truth Be Told: Accounts in Literary Forms (2016), and Performance: An Alphabet of Performative Writing (2014).

Hosted by: The Department of Communication, Graduate Communication Association, Zimmerman School of Advertising and Mass Communications, Department of Teaching and Learning, Measurement and Research Program, Qualitative Advisory Group

NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar - July 21st to 24th, 2019

DHS Event

The USF Department of Communication was honored to host for the 2019 NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar (DHS), July 21-24, 2019.

The theme of the 2019 DHS was "Communication, Engagement, and Social Justice."

DHS brings together promising doctoral students and distinguished faculty members from across the discipline and around the nation to discuss current topics in Communication. Approximately 30 doctoral students are chosen to participate based on submitted papers and recommendations from their advisors. Selected students will receive a travel voucher to put toward their travel to the DHS; all accommodations and other expenses are also provided. The seminars are held annually at a selected host institution.

Research Day - Thursday, April 25th, 2019

Research Day 2019

The Graduate Communication Association and Department of Communication are excited to announce the first ever Research Day on April 25th, 2019. This exciting event will showcase the scholarly work of our students and provide opportunities to the audience to inquire about their research. Below is the itinerary: 

Perspectives on Health Communication Panel - 9:30 am - 10:45 am (CIS 3020)
Elizabeth Hintz - “Promoting adaptive coping for chronic genital pain patients through communication: Recommendations for practice”
Brianna Cusanno – “It's a broken system that's designed to destroy: A critical narrative analysis of healthcare providers' stories about race, reproductive health, and policy"
Liahnna Stanley - “Communicating Health: A Case-Centered Thematic Narrative Analysis Among Methadone Patients”

Media, Culture, and Communication Panel - 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Wesley Johnson - "Transparent Whiteness: Colorblind Violence in Death Wish"
Jessica Lolli - “Understanding Gender, Race, and Class in Once Upon a Time."
Mike McDowell- “Whiteness, Privation, and Parenting"
Jessica Rauchberg - "Homonationalist Heroes: Problematizing Blackness as Plot Device in Love, Simon"

Department Sponsored Lunch - 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm

Doctorate Dissertation Panel - 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm
Grace Peters – “How Computerized Evaluation Forms Construct and Direct ‘Communication Skills’ in Medical Education”
Jennifer Bender - “The story isn’t over just because he died”: A look at portrayals of older widowed women on film
Ryan D’Souza - “Hindu Modernity in Secular India”
Marquese McFerguson - “Outkasted Masculinity: André 3000’s Reimagining of Black Masculinity within Hip Hop Culture”

Kevin Coe Talk - March 29th, 2019

Kevin Coe Talk

Kevin Coe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah. He teaches courses focusing on strategic communication, political communication, communication theory, and argumentation, and also oversees the department's public speaking courses. 

This talk considers the implications of this unique form of presidential communication, then illustrates the contours of this discourse in the case of marginalized religious groups. U.S. Presidents sometimes invoke marginalized groups in their public communication, signaling as they do so the ostensible parameters of national identity.

Professor Coe’s research focuses on the interaction of political rhetoric, news media, and public opinion. His scholarship has appeared in such journals as Communication Monographs, Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, and Public Opinion Quarterly.

He is the coauthor, with David Domke, of The God Strategy: How Religion Became a Political Weapon in America (Oxford, 2007).

Carla Fisher Talk - March 7th, 2019

Carla Fisher Talk

Dr. Fisher is an Associate Professor at the University of Florida, College of Journalism and Communications.

Using a life-span developmental lens, Dr. Carla Fisher examines the importance of family communication to health in the family environment and clinical setting. She conducts translational narrative-focused, mixed-method research with multi-method qualitative designs and collaborates with diverse health practitioners and medical institutions to translate her research to practice.

Fisher has received international and national awards for her research on mother-daughter communication, breast cancer risk, coping, and prevention, in which she has collaborated with global leaders like Mayo Clinic and Memorial Sloan-Kettering.

Dr. Fisher will also be available to talk with interested faculty and students from 3:30 to 4:30 PM in CIS 3057.

Heidi Rose Performing Mirror Image & Twin - March 8th, 2019

Heidi Rose Event

Dr. Heidi Rose is Professor and Chair at Villanova University, and she works at the intersections of Performance Studies and Rhetoric. She has been the editor of the NCA journal, Text and Performance Quarterly, and the Chair of the Performance Studies Division at NCA.

Her work has appeared in Text and Performance Quarterly, Theatre Annual, Women Studies in Communication, Liminalities, Language in Society among others. Her edited book, Signing the Body Poetic: Essays in American Sign Language Literature (2006) was published with University of California Press.

Mirror Image:

Two cousins are born five months apart to identical twin mothers. Shaped by their mothers’ careers as 1950s pop singers, these women both complement and contradict one another as their lives unfold.  Mirror Image reveals a life and relationship that now exist only in dreams, memories…and on stage.


Identical twin girls each have a personality that is in some ways too big for their bodies. Too big to control. Too big to contain. They have lived their whole lives off-balance. Would they have been better proportioned had the egg not split?