Student Spotlight

At the Tampa Museum of Art, I work with the Head of the Guided and Gallery Learning Department, under the supervision of the Community Arts Program manager, to facilitate tours within the Community Arts Initiative Program. The Community Arts Initiative tour project is a one year, federally funded, partnership program, which expects to tour approximately 15,000 students, grades 3-8 in 2024.
Typically, the groups that I lead are around 13-16 students, and the whole purpose
of the Community Arts Initiative tour project is to facilitate critical thinking skills
in children.
I feel my experience as a creative writing student has both prepared me and set me
up for more learning and growth through this position. As I work with the kids on
my days at the museum, I see the child-like wonder and the ways that they view the
world, which inspires me to write and keep expanding my own imagination as an adult
beyond what I am sharing with them.
I hope to one day be an author and a video game develop/video game screenwriter. I also would love to work in education/learning fields in both the realms of the museum and the public school district.