Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies | College of Arts and Sciences | University of South Florida

HCS Students

Double Major with HCS - Genevieve Carcano

“I knew I wanted to pursue a Humanities major to better understand culture and develop my analytical skills. However, I also wanted to express myself creatively, which is how I ended up dual majoring in Creative Writing.” Read the complete interview to learn more about pursuing a double major with Humanities & Cultural Studies.

Read Announcement 



What We Do

What do we do in Humanities and Cultural Studies? Watch a short video introduction.

What do we do in Humanities and Cultural Studies? Watch a short video introduction.

Summer/Fall 2025 Classes

Fall 2025

FIL 1002: Introduction to Film Studies 

HUM 1020: Introduction to the Humanities

HUM 2250: The Twentieth Century

AMS 2270: 20th Century American Culture

HUM 2593: Science in Cultural Context

FIL 3052: Foundations of Film & New Media

FIL 3077/HUM 6583: Contemporary Film & New Media

HUM 3237: The Baroque

HUM 3557: Jews, Christians, Muslims

HUM 3804: Cultural Studies Theory/Method

FIL 3844: Classical Japanese Cinema

HUM 4261/6588: Utopia & Science Fiction

HUM 4331: Humanities Pro-Seminar

HUM 4825/6587: Politics of Popular Music

FIL 4831/AMS 6934: Black American Cinema

HUM 4890/6588: Autobiography & Essay

AMS 4930/6934: US Documentary Theatre

Summer 2025

FIL 1002: Introduction to Film Studies (Summer B)

HUM 1020: Introduction to the Humanities (Summer B & D)

HUM 2522: Introduction to the Cultural Study of Popular Music (Summer B)

FIL 4052: The Hollywood Blockbuster (Summer D)

Course Descriptions from 2020-PRESENT