SPA News

Emergency response person holding sandbag (Photo from Adobe Stock)

School of Public Affairs director Robin Ersing participates in NSF Disaster Resilience Team Science program

The two-month long training and experiential program brought together a cohort of faculty colleges and universities across the state to develop an interdisciplinary project idea around challenges related to preparing for and recovering from disasters.

June 21, 2024Honors and Awards

(From left, first row) Elaine DeLeeuw, administration director; Evalyse Sanabria, GIS intern; Abbie Weeks, wetlands scientist. (From left, back row) Chris Boland, GIS administrator; Michael Lynch, wetlands director. (Photo courtesy of Evalyse Sanabria)

Student's urban studies minor supports internship experience in environmental protection

CAS senior Evalyse Sanabria’s knowledge gained from minoring in urban studies in the School of Public Affairs strengthens her internship experience with the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) of Hillsborough County.

April 22, 2024Community Engagement, Honors and Awards

USF Alumni Association young alumni

The USF Alumni Association honors four graduates from CAS with the 2024 Outstanding Young Alumni Awards

Four CAS alumni have been acknowledged for their achievements spanning multimedia production, professional sports, and public administration.

March 27, 2024Alumni News, Honors and Awards

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