About Us

The Department of World Languages (WLE) engages in the study of human language in general, and a diverse group of ancient and modern languages and cultures in particular. WLE faculty members provide humanistic and scientific perspectives and approaches on language and culture, foster awareness of and critical engagement with cultural and aesthetic diversity, and create opportunities for communication across linguistic and cultural boundaries.
The Department provides foreign language instruction and culture courses (e.g. literature, film, intellectual and cultural history, popular culture, etc.) at all levels to the university community in support of the internationalization of the curriculum and global and multicultural education.
The Department offers a Bachelor Degree in World Languages and Cultures, MAs in Applied Linguistics, French, and Spanish, and a Ph.D. in Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (LALS). The faculty conducts research and produces scholarship and creative works in ancient and modern languages and cultures, as well as in applied and theoretical linguistics.
The Department maintains programs and opportunities for education and research abroad in order to foster international education, scholarship, and exchange. In addition, the Department of World Languages offers service and outreach programs as well as events supporting and engaging the Tampa Bay community through presentations, workshops, and training activities.