We advise, You decide
The College of Arts and Sciences has a team of professional academic advisors available to assist our undergraduate students. Although there are many ways to interact with our advisors, most of their time is set aside to meet with students in one-on-one appointments. Academic advising appointments will vary by student need and interest.
For the best advising experience, current USF students should make a 30-minute, scheduled, advising appointment during the first third of the term. Early in the term, but after the hectic first week of classes, is when advisors are the most available. Scheduled appointments provide the advisors with time to prepare for student appointments and check for student record anomalies. Scheduled appointments also provide time for real discussions and planning sessions between the advisor and the student. If an urgent issue arises, students can attend drop-in advising hours or email an advisor for assistance.
Advising Appointment "Locations"
Currently, CAS Academic Advisors are offering remote advising appointments. Students can automatically select between Teams video conferencing or Teams phone call. Video conferencing is the most preferred method by advisors and students because of its high versatility. During video conference, students can see and hear their advisor, share screens for demonstrations, and quickly send links through chat. If you're not already familiar with Teams, you can find resources for using it on USF IT's website.
If meeting remotely is not possible for you, you can still receive advising services from our team. There are two different types of accommodations we can provide for appointments: (1) access to a PC in an office/conference room on campus so that you can meet remotely with your advisor, or (2) face-to-face advising appointment with an advisor on Tampa campus. For the safety of all, both students and advisors are expected to wear face masks during face-to-face advising appointments on campus. Additionally, you are always welcome to submit email questions to your advisor for assistance.
If you are in need of accommodations, please contact our front desk (813-974-6957 or email) to submit your request. Please provide the front desk with your name, U#, academic major which you need advising for, type of accommodation you need, and blocks of time when you are available during business hours (M-F/8-5). The front desk will work with the advising team to set up an appointment with an advising location that accommodates your situation.
Connecting to Your Remote Academic Advising Appointment
If you schedule an appointment by noon on the weekday before your appointment, you'll receive an invite in your USF email by that evening to join the next day. If you schedule after noon, you'll receive your appointment invite at least one hour prior to the appointment time. Your invite will include instructions for joining the meeting virtually or by phone. If you haven't received the invite by then, please call our front desk at 813-974-6957.
When you schedule a phone appointment, you will recieve a phone number and code to call as well as a Teams video conference link (in case you later realize that is a better option for you). For all phone meetings, we need students to call into the meeting at the time of the appointment, just like you would come to an advisor's office for a face-to-face appointment or log in to a video conference. A student calling their advisor using the phone number and code provided ensures they connect quickly, making the most of the time scheduled for the advising appointment. Over the last year, we have found that advisors calling students is usually an unsuccessful means of connecting. Due to the influx of robocalls everyone is receiving, it is common for students to not answer their phones or have a working voice mail.