
Departmental Seminars

Integrative Biology Departmental seminars are held via Teams:

Every Thursday at 12:30 pm

If you would like to attend a seminar please click on the link or contact biology@usf.edu

Date Speaker Title

September 1st

Teams Link

Dr. Rhett Rautsaw
Integrative Biology, USF

"The Phylogenomics of Vipers and the Role of Competition on Venom Evolution"
September 8th Social media in science careers  Discussion
September 15th

Dr. Johnny Uelmen
University of South Florida 

From West Nile Virus to COVID-19, a One Health Perspective of the Eco-Epidemiology of Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
 September 22nd No Seminar No Seminar
 September 29th  TBA  TBA
 October 6

Dr. Natasha Woods
Moravian College
From Grasslands to Maritime Forests: Shrub Encroachment on Virginia Barrier Islands
 October 13

October 20

Dr. Russell Hill
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
The role of sponge symbionts in nutrient cycling in coral reefs
October 27 Dr. Martijn Slot
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
November 3

David Baker
Writer/ Filmaker
November 10

Dr. Jim Dalling
University of Illinois
November 17

Dr. Brian Crother
SE Louisiana University
Primordial Germ Cell Development and Evolution: A Story of Convergence and Divergence
December 1 TBA TBA