Department of Integrative Biology | College of Arts and Sciences | University of South Florida

  • Graduate student, Sam Hirst, pipettes venom from a rattlesnake into a tube.

    Field Research Graduate student, Sam Hirst, pipettes venom from a rattlesnake into a tube.

  • A student in Dr. Carney’s Digital Dinosaur course using a VR headset.

    Digital Dinosaurs A student in Dr. Carney’s Digital Dinosaur course using a VR headset.

  • A student in Dr. Parkinson’s lab dives to conduct research on corals.

    Marine Research A student in Dr. Parkinson’s lab dives to conduct research on corals.

  • Dr. Margres' international team looking for rattlesnakes at night.

    Field Research Dr. Margres' international team looking for rattlesnakes at night.

  • Students in Dr. Ellis' Marine Bio course kayaking in Tampa Bay.

    Marine Research Students in Dr. Ellis' Marine Bio course kayaking in Tampa Bay.

Calendar & Events

Important USF Dates & Events

May 5 - 8: Spring Commencement

May 8: Maymester begins; drop/add begins

May 9: Spring final grading closes

May 11: Maymester drop/add ends

May 12: Spring grades visible on OASIS

Last day to register for Summer Sessions A & C without late registration fee

IB Office Hours (Tampa)

Summer 2023 Walk-In Hours
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday Karissa Valine-Plaza
Tuesday Christine Brubaker

Ben Peoples

Thursday Christine Brubaker
Friday Ben Peoples

Who should I contact?

Biology Advising: 

Departmental Seminars
Stay tuned for the Fall 2023 lineup of seminar speakers!