By Departmental Nomination only - Program faculty should contact Karissa Valine-Plaza forfurther information.
About the Fellowship:
The Delores Auzenne Fellowship provides academically talented new domestic doctoral
students who contribute diversity in USF graduate programs with opportunities for
funding and recognition. Students should represent individuals who are historically
underrepresented in specific disciplines along the dimensions of ethnicity and gender.
Application/Nomination Process:
There will be approximately 2 awards made each year. As part of the application package,
the Department/School should provide a letter of support (not to exceed 500 words)
that describes how this student meets the qualifications for receiving this Fellowship
and why this student is a good fit for the Department. In addition, please provide
the student's letter of intent or student essay from their application packet, as
well as an unofficial transcript and test scores (if required).
Number of Nominations per Department:
Nominations must come from academic departments. Approximately two (2) Delores Auzenne
Fellowships will be awarded each year. Individual departments should nominate their single best candidate for consideration. Multiple nominees from single departments or programs will not be considered.
Selection Process:
The Policy/Fellowship committee of the Graduate Council will review the candidates
from each College and make the award selections.
Award Specifics:
Stipend: Doctoral students receive $10,000 per year for up to three (3) years, contingent
upon available funding. This award would be used to supplement the Departmental award
during the Fall and Spring semesters ($2000/semester) and provide a $6000 summer fellowship.
Tuition: Each award comes with a tuition waiver.
Student is strongly encouraged to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Student must be a new, incoming doctoral student. A Bachelor's or Master's student
from USF who is entering the doctoral program may be considered for this award.
The fellowship recipient must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United
States or its Trust Territories.
Recipients must be enrolled full time.
Recipients must be making satisfactory progress toward their degree in order to be
eligible for funding in years 2-3.