Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

ETD Workshops

Each semester, the Office of Graduate Studies offers both workshops and individual help sessions in order to help students understand the requirements, responsibilities, and deadlines of the ETD process.

etd workshop

Tips on Submission Requirements & Formatting 

Each semester, the Office of Graduate Studies facilitates an ETD Workshop to to help students navigate the ETD process. This workshop provides critical information including:

  • an overview of the process
  • a review of submission deadlines and requirements
  • student and faculty responsibilities
  • use of Microsoft Word
  • formatting requirements for the manuscript
  • time management tips
  • resources to assist you in the preparation and completion of the ETD

Copyright and permissions workshop

Tips on Copyright & Permissions for your Thesis or Dissertation – Date TBA

While you are researching, you are making use of a wealth of different resources: published articles, books, images, software, datasets, etc.  All, or almost all, of these things are protected by intellectual property laws like copyright.  This session will introduce common copyright issues encountered during the research, publication, and the writing of theses and dissertations.

ETD Workshop (Online)

Students who cannot make the live workshop should complete the following to-do list of ETD Resources.

Please note - if you don't review this carefully and your ETD requires a lot of comments/changes, you may be charged an additional fee for the document not meeting formatting requirements.

ETD Online Workshop | To Do
  1. Review the "Understanding the ETD Process" slideshow and the "Top 10 Mistakes" slideshow
  2. Review the recording of the Fall 2021 ETD Workshop
  3. Review the entire ETD Resource Center, paying close attention to:
    • Deadlines
    • Requirements - Registration, Submission, Fees
    • Information - Previously Published Materials, Copyright & IRB Approvals
    • Plagiarism Check
    • Process Checklists
    • General Formatting - Margins, Fonts, Headings, Line Spacing, Page Numbering, etc.
    • Section Specific Formatting - carefully review each section

What's the difference between the Workshop and the Help Session?

The ETD Workshop is a full overview of the ETD process and requirements, and is offered in person one to two times per semester, as well as an online alternative that can be completed 24/7 (directions below). 

All thesis master's and doctoral students are strongly encouraged to attend an ETD Workshop (either in-person or online) during the semester prior to graduation - so that you have the information before writing/editing the majority of your thesis/dissertation. If you do not complete the workshop, you may have major issues formatting which could incur an additional $25 fee for extensive revisions/reviews.

Our Help Sessions are designed to allow students to meet with an ETD Specialist for 15 minutes, to ask any questions you may have, for help with tricky issues in Word, or to perform a quick review of common mistakes. Please note, the help sessions are not a substitute for the ETD Workshop. They are two completely different events. The Help Sessions are not required, but they are recommended for students who struggle with formatting.